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Teeth Whitening or Veneers? A San Antonio Cosmetic Dentist Breaks Down Your Options

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If you’re looking to start the new year with a new look, consider updating your smile. Sonterra Dental offers several cosmetic services to improve the appearance of your teeth, but which one is right for you depends on the condition of your teeth and how much time and money you want to invest. Two of our most popular services are KöR® teeth whitening and dental veneers. Read on for help deciding on veneers or teeth whitening in San Antonio. 

What Type of Teeth Stains Do You Have?

Teeth whitening solutions like KöR® are great for teeth yellowed by coffee or smoking, since those stains are on the surface of your teeth. Whitening products work by breaking down stains on the enamel, resulting in a brighter smile. If this is the case for you, opting for our teeth whitening services may be the way to go. 

However, if you have discoloration that extends below the surface, we might recommend dental veneers. One common example is antibiotic staining, caused by taking strong medications as a child, leading to permanently darkened teeth. Dental health issues like decay also discolor teeth and require treatment by a dentist, not teeth whitening. 

Do You Have Other Cosmetic Issues with Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening is great for staining, but veneers can improve other aspects of your look:

  • Chipped Teeth
  • Spacing
  • Uneven Teeth
  • Tooth Shape

Veneers attach to the front of your existing teeth, essentially creating a facade. This can give you a more uniform appearance and cover up imperfections in addition to lightening your smile. 

Are You Concerned with One Tooth or Your Whole Smile?

If all your teeth are yellowed or stained, you can use our teeth whitening in San Antonio to get a bright smile makeover. If, however, you have one or a few discolored teeth, we can discuss applying veneers to just those teeth. That said, you can do a complete makeover with veneers as well, especially if you have other cosmetic concerns. 

Are You Looking for a Permanent Solution?

KöR® teeth whitening is very effective compared to other whitening systems, and with proper care, you can expect a brighter smile for years to come. However, if you go right back to drinking several cups of coffee a day, you may not see the same longevity. We walk you through the best way to care for your teeth after a whitening session. 

By contrast, veneers are a permanent change to your smile. The trade-off is that they require more preparation at the beginning, whereas with whitening, you can see results faster. If you want to invest more time now to save yourself time later, veneers could be your solution. 

What’s Best for Your Budget?

Just as the time commitment is higher upfront for dental veneers, the cost is also more. After all, you’re receiving custom facades for each tooth. Whitening treats your natural teeth and is therefore more budget-friendly. 

We go over the cost of each procedure and guide you through our financing options so that you can make an informed decision about your cosmetic dental care. 

Sonterra Dental Offers Both Veneers and Whitening

There are pros and cons to both options, so we understand being torn between the two! If this breakdown hasn’t helped you choose, set up a consultation to get personalized advice on dental veneers and teeth whitening at our San Antonio office. If you’ve made your pick, make an appointment to get started right away.